Feature Films

Discretion Advised


When a young trans woman named Miranda begins stealing men’s credit cards her girlfriend, Inari, is initially pleased with a chance to live a high-rolling lifestyle. As the cons get more and more dangerous and Miranda begins to fall for a mark, Inari’s approval becomes fear, and their four year long relationship begins to unravel.


Miranda is a young trans woman who works as a web designer and spends her time playing pinball with her girlfriend of four years, Inari. Miranda regularly speaks to the camera directly. Inari is an artist, and she has an exhibition coming up. Miranda has a boyfriend, Darrick, who she has been seeing for almost a year and while Miranda thinks he will soon confess his love to her, Inari is afraid he is just using Miranda for her body. Miranda’s life is thrown into chaos when her laptop, which is essential for her job, is stolen by Darrick after her confession of love goes unreciprocated. At the same time, she learns her apartment building will soon be demolished, and her latest web design client fires her for dubious reasons. Facing an eviction with little means for income, Miranda’s life into free fall.

Miranda rebukes Inari’s offer to help her pay a new apartment’s damage deposit. When Inari’s partner, the enigmatic Red gives Miranda the idea to rob men for their credit cards, Miranda robs a hookup during the mediocre sex. She invites Inari to go shopping with her and the two indulge in luxuries they’ve never had. When Miranda decides to use the money to buy a new laptop, the card declines, and Miranda decides she must keep stealing.

Miranda goes on a date to a park with a man named Brandon with the intention of robbing him during the date, but the date becomes a meet cute. Miranda realizes how genuine he is and is unable to steal from him. She leaves the date conflicted. Back at the arcade, Miranda tells Inari about the date. Inari is very supportive and wants to meet Brandon, but Miranda insists she needs to rob him. Later that week, Miranda and Brandon have another date. Miranda is initially distracted by Brandon’s wallet, but Brandon brings her back to the moment and the two kiss, which leads to passionate sex. The two have a heart to heart and as Miranda leaves, she steals Brandon’s credit card. Brandon invites Miranda and Inari to come to his Christmas family dinner.

Miranda decides to not use Brandon’s credit card and goes to con someone else. He is a rich man who takes her to an expensive restaurant. He berates her with transmisogyny. She is then called by Inari who asks why she isn’t at the exhibition yet. Miranda lies and says she’s just running late. She blackmails the man into giving her money. Late for the exhibition, Miranda runs there and arrives just in time to be chewed out by Red and find Inari who is deeply hurt. When Inari confronts Miranda about her lie, Miranda confesses she was doing a con and Inari insists she should go to a support group.

Miranda goes but is kicked out after getting in a fight with a transphobe. She lies to Inari and says there won’t be another session. She begs Inari to go to Brandon’s family Christmas with her. Inari agrees. At Christmas, it is revealed that the transphobe from the support group is Brandon’s aunt and Miranda tries to get her to leave, succeeding in causing her husband to divorce her but not before she tells Brandon that Miranda stole his card and Inari that Miranda was kicked out of the group. Inari runs away and Brandon asks Miranda to leave.

Miranda goes to the arcade and writes “I luv you im sry” into the pinball machine. She then goes back to the support group and explains her situations. She is allowed back in, and she begins to make progress towards recovery. She meets with Inari at the arcade, and she apologizes. Inari says she forgives her, and she loves her deeply, but it will take time for her to trust again. Miranda gives the credit card back to Brandon and apologizes. He is deeply hurt but admits he still has feelings for her. The two agree to meet again once some time has gone by. Miranda and Inari meet by the Ocean and Miranda makes vows to be a better woman for Inari. Months later, Inari and Miranda move into a new apartment together.

Genre: Romantic Comedy, 4th Wall Breaking, Sitcom, Self Aware

First Fifty Pages:

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Autumn Sun


Laura, a transgender woman, used to be a homeless punk musician but when two of her bandmates died tragically, she signed on with a new producer, Derrick. Years later, when Laura decides to become a solo act, Derrick's possessive and controlling behavior begins to corrode her tenious connection to reality.

Genre: Character Study, Drama, Horror, Musical

First Forty Pages:

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Short Films

New Leaf


A young transgender woman returns to her childhood home in Texas for a Christmas dinner that goes terribly wrong.

Genre: Horror, Drama

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A man follows a transgender woman home in the dark.

Genre: Horror, Vampire




A transgender woman who can see the future and her loving boyfriend are beseiged in their home by the cult they thought they had escaped.

Genre: Horror, Home Invasion, Action, Comedy


TV Pitch

The Changeling


When a young factory worker encounters a creature from another world, his sister swears to cure the blight that stains his flesh. The two must flee their hometown in search of their missing mother.

Genre: Horror, Procedural, Monster-of-The-Week

Pitch Package:

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Produced by Evelyn Ryan

Genres: Radiodrama, Sci-Fi, Cyberpunk, Radio Play, Action, Bartending

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